Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the ESSR meeting 2024 in Lugano. This year we will focus on the knee with strong emphasis on the clinical aspects of our activity. Every session of the refresh course, except one, will have the presence of one orthopedic surgeons or rheumatologist. This will be a very good opportunity to have an interesting roundtable discussion at the end of the session. Big thanks to the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) and warm welcome to the ESSKA representatives to give us the opportunity to translate our idea of collaborations into realty and to increase the awareness of the needs and expectations of our referring physicians. As usual, the congress will offer scientific sessions and workshops on ultrasound, on spondyloarthritis, on basic conventional radiology (back to the basics), and on artificial Intelligence. Furthermore, the SSSR (Swiss Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology) will organize a workshop coordinate by Prof Marco Zanetti on mimickers, pitfalls, and asymptomatic abnormalities that are sometime a headache in our daily activity.
Innovation is the heart of imaging. As such, during the meeting, a state-of-the art technical exhibit will be available to give an insight into the latest developments in radiological equipment, supplies, technologic advances and services.
Do not forget to meet friends and colleagues. Our location, the Ciani Park, just on the lake of Lugano, is a walking distance to city center and other attraction and is a perfect location for a relaxing walking and for networking with friends and colleagues
The 31st ESSR annual meeting cordially invites representatives of all musculoskeletal related disciplines both members and non-members of our society, to attend the meeting. Young members are especially welcomed. The Young Club of our society will provide an ideal platform for sharing ideas and experiences of different cultures and to network with new colleagues.
Thursday, 06.06.2024
Pre-Congress Day
ROOM A + B2 + B3
Anterior structures
Medial structures
Lateral structures
Posterolateral corner
Posteromedial corner
Interactive Hands-On Teaching with ESSR experts. Participants will be divided into groups.
Snapping knee
Anterolateral ligament - Is there a role for Ultrasound ?
Small ligaments of the knee
Meniscal tears: Is there a role for Ultrasound
US of pediatric knee disorders
Cyst or not cyst ?
US of the knee in SPA, RA and crystal deposition arthritis
Peroneal and tibial nerves
Small nerves
Combat traumas and peripheral nerve injuries
US-guided injections around the knee
Interactive Hands-On Teaching with ESSR experts. Participants will be divided into groups.
ATTENTION: The Ultrasound Workshop incl Hands-On is fully booked. To be added to the waiting list, please send a short email to office@essr.org.
Registraton for the “Ultrasound Workshop - Lectures Only” is still possible, but will not give access to the interactive Hands-On Trainings in between the lectures.
The Tao of Axial Spondyloarthritis: MRI Protocols and a Pragmatic Diagnostic Pathway
“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it. Be like water my friend…” ― Bruce Lee.
In this session we will crystallise the importance of adequate MRI protocols, optimisation and standardisation of imaging, a morpho-anatomical analysis in deduction and an emphasis on the diagnostic pathway in axSpA imaging. This will be addressed using a didactic, interactive approach with DICOM based real-life cases, immunology, and clinical histories, simulating a standard reporting session. Typical findings of juvenile-SpA at imaging, including similarities and differences with adults will be discussed using case studies. Potential pitfalls due to the age-related characteristics at imaging of children will be addressed. A step-by-step diagnostic detection, description and deduction will be performed together. This will be followed by a quick interactive quiz to assess the effectiveness of learning from the course!
Workshop Organisers: Winston Rennie, Chiara Giraudo
Faculty: James Teh, Pilar Aparisi, Edward Sellon
10:00 Introduction to the Workshop
10:10 Typical SIJ and spine findings and MR protocols optimisation.
Learning Objectives: To recognise the key anatomical sites and patterns of structural and inflammatory lesions in ax-SpA within the Spine and SIJs. Approaches to image standardisation, image interpretation and reporting terminology will be discussed with recommendations on MRI protocol optimisation.
10:40 SIJ Radiographs & Main Differential diagnosesLearning Objectives: Recognise key features of the varying differential diagnoses on MRI in ax-SpA. Learn to assess radiographs of the SIJ in a structured system so as to recognise nrax-SpA and anatomical variants.
11:00 Juvenile-SpAObjectives: To gain knowledge about the main findings of juvenile-SpA at imaging. Key terms and classification criteria of juvenile-SpA will be addressed. By the end of this session, participants will know the similarities and differences between juvenile-SpA and SpA in adults. Typical age-related features at imaging which could represent a diagnostic challenge will also be discussed.
11:20 Remarks and conclusion
Participants will engage using their laptops/tablets under the guidance of the moderators. All content of the workshop will be case-based.Organisational aspects
- Participants are asked to bring their own laptop
- The cases can be viewed on your own laptop in a PACS like environment. Practical details will be provided well before the workshop for your convenience.
AI in MSK imaging: where are we in 2024? What do we use,
and what do we not use?
Transparent comparison of diagnostic performance
Regulatory issues, made simple
Integrating AI software: how do we do it in practice
Round table: the industry meets the users
Workshop Organiser
Prof. Dr. Dr. Patrick Omoumi, Lausanne, Switzerland
Spinal disorders mimicking infection14:20-14:40
Mimickers and pitfalls of dual energy CT applications in MSK imaging14:40-15:00
Shoulder abnormalities mimicking labrum lesions, cartilage lesions, and pulley lesions15:00-15:20
Elbow abnormalities mimicking osteochondral defects, tumors, infections, and neuropathies15:20-15:40
Hip abnormalities mimicking labrum lesions, cartilage lesions, and tendon lesions15:40-16:00
Foot/ankle abnormalities mimicking tumors, infections and neuropathiesWorkshop Organiser
Prof. Dr. Marco Zanetti, Basel, Switzerland
How to deal with soft tissue calcifications/ossifications10:15-10:30
Hand OA or psoriatic arthritis?10:30-10:45
Periosteal reaction: anxious or not?10:45-11:00
Joint space: normal or not?11:00-11:15
Fracture or not, adults?11:15-11:30
Fracture or not, pediatrics?Workshop Organiser
Prof. Dr. Anne Cotten, Lille, France
Friday, 07.06.2024
Welcome from Society President & Congress President
A glance in the past: Paleo-MSK
Panel Discussion: Sustainability within MSK Radiology: Clash of Generations?
Honorary Ceremony
Honorary Membership for Prof.Dr. Carlo Masciocchi
Honorary Membership for Prof.Dr. Franz Kainberger
The physical examination of the painful knee
Imaging of meniscal tears
Imaging of the ACL and PCL tears
MCL and posteromedial corner injuries of the knee injuries of the knee
LCL postero-lateral corner injuries of the knee injuries of the knee
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Patella instability and patella luxation: the orthopaedic point of view
Patella instability and patella luxation: the radiologist point of view
MR after ACL reconstruction.
Challenges of MRI of the post-operative meniscus
OC lesions repair. What the radioologist should know
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Comparative Geometric Analysis: Patellofemoral Instability with Weight-Bearing vs. Non-Weight-Bearing Cone-Beam CT Images
Zero Time Echo MRI in shoulder MRI for the diagnosis of rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy
PET-MR imaging applications in pediatric musculoskeletal tumors
MRI Findings of Extraspinal Sciatic After Proximal Hamstring Repair
Correlation Between IVIM Parameters and DCE-MRI: Comparison in Benign and Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors
Ultra-high resolution CT outpasses conventional CT and approaches micro-CT in trabecular bone morphologic analysis
Triceps surae injuries
Rectus femoris – often injured. How to understand common injuries and imaging findings
MR imaging of the healing process in muscle injuries
Wrist Imaging: Pitfalls, Variants and Common Pathologies in Athletes
MR of forefoot chronic pain: what to look for and report?
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
The painful pediatric knee
Sport injuries of the knee: pearls and pitfalls
Typical and atypical bone lesion
Typical and atypical soft tissue lesion around the knee
Septic arthritis in pediatric population
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Particularities of upper limb trauma in children
Covid manifestations in the MSK system in children
Radiation protection in paediatric MSK imaging
Radiomics in paediatric sarcoma
Neck pain and back pain in children
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
What's new in US-guided intervention?
Intervertebral disc herniation: from spine injections to percutaneous decompression
Vertebral augmentation in 2024
Percutaneous bone and soft tissue ablation : current trends and prospects
Image-guided percutaneous fixation : Where are we now ?
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Electrochemotherapy for radioresistant prostate cancer spinal metastases with epidural tumour extension
Ultrasound-guided thread-release of the arcade of frohse: a cadaveric study
Outcome Analysis of MR-HIFU Treatment of Osteoid Osteomas in a Mixed Pediatric and Adult Population
Percutaneous treatment of knee tumors
Impact of quantitative CT texture analysis on the outcome of CT-guided bone biopsy
Minimally invasive treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts with radiopaque gelified ethanol (Discogel®): evaluation of feasibility, safety and efficacy
Net gain, groin pain: a case of an injured soccer player
A nerve-racking tumour
A new anatomic vision to an old problem
A rare cause of non-traumatic unilateral hip pain in a child
Mystery in the Marrow: Navigating a Challenging Case
A Kick and a Click - Pediatric Sports Story
A lump in a child's leg
Is playing sports really good for me?
Bone destruction around the knee: what's the diagnosis?
Unexplained persistent right lower limb swelling in a 65-year-old male
A case report on extrapulmonary manifestations of Covid 19
Non-Traumatic Hip Pain in a Young Patient: the Role of the Radiologist in Guiding the Differential Diagnosis
Flip Flop
ESSR meets China
Presentation of Chinese society of MSK radiology
The development strategies of musculoskeletal ultrasound in China
Muscle density and hip fracture risk
ESSR meets Columbia
Presentation of Columbia society of MSK radiology
Lower limb stress injuries
presentation of ESSKA
The discoid meniscus
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Saturday, 08.06.2024
The painful knee in elderly population: the challenges in the clinical routine
Imaging of gout in and around the knee
OA of the knee: what’s new on imaging ?
Bone marrow edema around the knee in elderly population
Subchondral non neoplastic Bone Lesions: which terminology should we use ?
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Anatomical variants in the spine and their relevance to pathology
Specific injury patterns in pediatric and adolescent spinal trauma
Differentiating benign and malignant vertebral fractures
Is CT of the spine still necessary?
Simplifying MR technique in post-operative spine — with and without metal
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Fully Automated Spinopelvic Measurements on Radiographs with Deep Learning: A Multi-Reader Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation
Radiological diagnosis of prevalent osteoporotic vertebral fracture on X-ray image: an interim consensus from a group of experts of the ESSR osteoporosis & metabolism subcommittee
MRI predictors for clinical response in patients with axial spondyloarthritis treated with TNF inhibitors
Natural course of degenerative changes of the spine on radiographs and MRI in axial spondyloarthritis followed 10 years in the DESIR cohort
Accelerated deep learning reconstruction magnetic resonance imaging on the evaluation of the cervical neural foraminal stenosis: comparison with conventional fast spin-echo T2-weighted sequences
The “moustache sign”: An ancillary radiological sign for detecting L5/S1 spondylolisthesis
Cystic and cyst-like lesions around the knee. What is relevant?
Soild soft tissue lesions around the knee
Imaging of typical and atypical bone lesion of the adult knee
Do not touch bone lesions around the knee
Advanced imaging of the tumor arounfd the knee
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Radiographic differentiation of benign and malignant bone lesions
New ESSR soft tissue tumour guidelines…. Salient features
Three common misdiagnosis in bone and soft tissue tumours
MRI of the bone marrow in oncology: When fat is good….!
WB-MRI imaging in oncology: recent indications and technical developments
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Harry Genant Lecture - State of the art of HRpQCT, from research to clinical practice
Differential diagnosis of metabolic bone diseases around the knee
MRI of subchondal bone
Osteoporosis and diagnostic imaging of vertebral endplate
Clinical value of opportunistic CT/MRI metabolic evaluation in oncology and frail patients
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Glenoid version in various pathologies of the shoulder joint on MRI: a retrospective study
Combined femoral and tibial torsional malalignment in symptomatic patients with patellar instability and patellar dislocation
Application of Artificial Intelligence in the diagnosis of complex cases of scaphoid fractures: a “real life” retrospective study
CT-like MRI vs MDCT for the evaluation of shoulder instability: is it comparable?
Medial wall blowout fractures of the ankle - novel injury pattern classifications and radiological outcomes
Association between the presence and anatomical variants of the coraco-glenoid ligament and SLAP lesion: a 3-T arthro-MRI study
The Holy Grail in AxSpA - The clinically actionable Radiology Report - Spine
The Holy Grail in AxSpA - The clinically actionable Radiology Report - SIJ
Crystals- What is new in Imaging? Does it make a difference?
Novel Bone like MRI- Hot air or accurate inflammation?
Inflammatory disorders of the foot: tips and tricks?
Roundtable and discussion with all the speakers
Sport injuries and post op images
To improve knowledge about imaging findings of common traumatic knee injuries
To learn what an orthopedic surgeon wants to know from an radiological report
To review post op imaging findings
Knee injuries in pediatric population
To understand how to assess knee pain in the pediatric population.
To improve knowledge about imaging findings of common pediatric knee pathologies
To list the most important soft tissue and bone tumors around the knee in pediatric population.
Tumor around the knee
To list the most relevant cystic lesions in or around the knee.
To list the most relevant soft tissue lesions in or around the knee.
To list the most relevant bone lesions in or around the knee
To be aware of pitfalls and of do not touch lesions of the knee.
Inflammatory and metabolic pathology in or around the knee
To understand how to assess knee pain in the elderly population
To review the state of art images and new images opportunity of inflammatory and/or metabolic disease such as OA and gout.
To review the terminology of non-neoplastic subchondral pathologies